
Chair of the 2nd day session

| September 29th-30th, 2023

Annual PEOPIL conference in Dublin

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International Road Traffic Accidents

| 2023

Online courses in partnership with the training organization “Annie” of the media group “News Assurance Pro”

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Coverage of civil liability for climate change under corporate insurance policies from a comparative law perspective

| October 28th, 2022

Conference at the session “climate change and legal risk management” of the 66th annual UIA Congress in Dakar.

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Interest on damages and enforcement of UK judgments overseas: A pan-European perspective

| December 2, 2021

Seminar at the APIL “Accidents abroad” conference in London

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Post-Brexit Enforcement Difficulties in UK/French Cross-Border Claims

| February 26, 2021

Article published in International & Travel Law Blog

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Paris, a Major Place of Law in Europe Post-Brexit

| November, 2019

Préventique, n°167

Accidents at Work under French Law

| 2017

Seminar at the PEOPIL conference, Malaga, Spain

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The United Kingdom Insurance Act 2015 – Update and Comparison with the laws of France

| January, 2016

Published in the magazine Décideurs

Drawing the Line of the Scope of the Duty of Care in American Negligence and French Fault-Based Tort Liability

| September 2015

Journal of Civil Law Studies – Louisiana State University

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